YouTube Slot Room Opens in Downtown Vegas

Brian Christopher Slots at the Plaza

Everybody loves a good slot parlor in Las Vegas. The flash of bright lights, the merry jingle that dances into your ears with every spin. Slot machine lovers have even more reasons to adore Las Vegas now. A new slot room by famous Youtuber Brian Christopher is open Downtown.

Brian Christopher Slots at The Plaza

This quirky slot room is conveniently located in Vegas at The Plaza. The 850 square-foot area hosts enough slot machines to accommodate several players at a time.

Considering the slot room has only been functional for a short time, the large numbers it’s already attracting can be attributed to Brian’s online influence. He has a massive following of more than 500,000 online friends who avidly watch him play slot machines worldwide. His influence is massive. The Plaza has recorded a significant boom in traffic since the slot room opened its doors end of January. Most of the people visiting the room are players, but many Brian Christopher fans visit the Plaza hoping to meet their slot machine star. 

According to Christopher, his audience is primarily made up of young males who look to him to find out which slot machines they should play. Many of them will make a point to visit his top recommended spots, and his slot room will be no exception.


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