
Top 5 Songs about Las Vegas

Explore some of the best songs written about Las Vegas. Whether you are daydreaming or on the road towards/from Vegas right now, this list is sure to make you feel nostalgic and in love with the great neon giant.

Elvis Presley s Viva Las Vegas

It s hard not to think of this classic as soon as you think of Vegas. The song has numerous covers from numerous bands including the Dead Kennedys and ZZ Top. The song was originally written for the same-named musical (Viva Las Vegas, 1964) directed by George Sidney and starring Presley.

Sheryl Crow’s “Leaving Las Vegas”

Unlike her following singles, Leaving Las Vegas reached only a humble 60 in the Hot100 list of 1994. However, despite this, the debut single was described as being very close to Crow s heart and supposedly contained autobiographical elements that described one of her stays in Vegas. The music video, directed by David Hogan, shows famous city features like Elvis Presley impersonators on famous sidewalks. The video also includes a scene with Peter Berg, driving with Sheryl along the Vegas highway.

Frank Sinatra’s Luck Be a Lady

The song lyrics describe Sky Materson, a gambler in Vegas, looking for a big win to save his relationship with his one true love. The song was originally Performed by Robert Alda in the 1950s.

AC/DC s “Sin City”

This song explores the enticing charms as well as peris of the Neon City. It is part of the 1973 album Powerage featuring a great bassline by Cliff Wiliams.

Cowboy Junkies Ooh Las Vegas

This beautiful country-rock rendition of Ooh Las Vegas by the Cowboy Junkies is featured on the 1999 tribute album Return of the Grievous Angel: A tribute to Gram Parson . The song starts with the famous line: Every time I hit your crystal city. You know you’re gonna make a wreck out of me .
