Social distancing in casinos
You will notice a lot of casinos are active, but they do require you to wear a facemask and follow the proper hygiene requirements. There s also a limited number of people that can enter and play games, and customers need to stay away from one another. It s an important aspect to keep in mind, and you can still enjoy what you like.
Exploring museums like the Mob Museum online

Yes, a lot of museums started to open up Virtual Tours. You still get to see the interior, learn more about every piece displayed there and so on. It s interesting, it certainly brings in some pretty clever ideas, and overall it s just a very rewarding and exciting experience that you can have at this particular time.
Online classes from fitness clubs

Some fitness clubs still want to help people stay active. Yes, you can find some open right now in Vegas, but they have social distancing limitations. And aside from that, you can also get online fitness classes from Las Vegas Athletic Club for example. It s just nice to see how everything is coming together and the results are pretty impressive and exciting in a situation like this.
Virtual Opera

Opera performances might be canceled for a while, but the truth is that you can still get some operas and symphonies worldwide that are shared online. So you can still watch some of the coveted stuff and just enjoy the experience. It s a very distinctive way to cherish and enjoy everything, and that s the thing that sets the tone in a creative manner. It’s a Vegas show without the Vegas theater.
Enjoying the outdoor areas

While social distancing, it makes a lot of sense to step away from it all and exploring the outdoors. The Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area is closed most of the time, but there are tons of places like the Joshua Tree, Death Valley, and Zion that you can check out.
It s interesting to see how social distancing has changed our society, yet at the same time, you can still explore Las Vegas. So you can have a great time in the city if you follow the new rules!