Gaming / GamblingLists

HUGE Video Poker Jackpots

Video poker offers substantial progressive jackpot payouts. Here are some of the biggest winners:

1. Bart Hansonm

He is a pro poker player who made a big win back in 2018, taking home $200,000 from Caesars Palace. He has made statements about his success before, saying that it was not all luck that he managed to take home six figures from a video poker game. Bart Hanson says there is a way to increase your chances of winning significantly, but you have to play big. It was not his usual choice of game, and initially, he was not doing well, but lady luck smiled at him towards the end of the game, and he struck the jackpot.

2. Floyd Mayweather

He is well-known but not for his prowess in casino games. Floyd Mayweather, however, won $101,250 back in 2018 from video poker, increasing people’s conviction that you can win the jackpot. The win came after spending about $20,000 on bets which finally bore fruit. He also put up a video at the time holding up $70,000 worth of tickets for the world to see that he had gained more than the hundred thousand dollar cash price.

3. Huck Seed

It is one of the biggest all-time wins from video poker, a cool $670,665. Huck Seed made history playing at the Aria in Vegas, but he certainly earned his victory as he played $500 in each round before winning the jackpot prize. He played for more than 6 hours, determined to make something from his efforts. In total, he spent around $50,000 before winning the final six-figure payout.

4. Anonymous Winners

A mysterious gambler at Boulder Station netted $180,000 from a sequential flush which is no easy challenge. No information is available on the identity of this winner. Still, his or her win was admirable, getting a royal in a perfect sequence which even pro poker players find difficult to achieve.

Another big jackpot win in the history of video poker is another unknown player who won the $400,000 prize. The player was not playing around with his stakes, and he put down $500 in a round or $5 per hand at the Cosmopolitan.


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