1. Have Two Separate Bachelor Parties

Now that it’s a gay endeavor, you might think a joint party involving both grooms is the way to go. Experts highly advise against this; ensure each groom has a different party at a different location. You don’t want to turn a bachelor party to an engagement party. Moreover, things tend to turn wild in such parties, and it would not be healthy to get the grooms at the center of it at the same party.
2. Join Up the Parties Later On

After having some quality time apart, it is okay to link up later and enjoy it together. You can make merry all day with other friends but later converge in a bar to enjoy a drink together.
3. Invite Everyone

Although it’s a gay bachelor party, it does not mean every attendee should be gay. Invite everyone, no matter their orientation. Be inclusive and everyone will have a blast.
4. Spice up the Party, Get Some Strippers

What is a bachelor party without some strippers? Get both gay and straight strippers to entertain your guests. However,ensure they put on a good show for everyone. It is imperative to keep your party lively, and strippers know just how to do that.
5. Let your Closest and Most Experienced Friend Organize it for you.

A gay bachelor party can be a sensitive endeavor that would be best handled by somebody you can trust. It is easier to engage a close friend on your expectations of the party and confidently voice any concerns you might have. The organizer should also be familiar with the gay culture or even better gay life. This way they can better identify with your needs and fix the party accordingly.
6. It Does not have to Be Wild.

A gay bachelor party does not need to be wild. A calm, mature, and reserved engagement would be just fine. You can have fun, but it does not need to be over the rooftop. The median age of most individuals in recent gay marriages is around 50 years. Consequently, a wild party might not be the most interesting endeavor for them.