Blackjack Tips Winners Swear By

Want to leave the blackjack table with more money than you came with? Keep reading

1. Set a Strict Limit

People leave the blackjack table dejected because they don’t know when to walk away. The basic rule of gambling is to risk money you won’t mind losing. In other words, don’t put your rent money on the table. Stay conservative if you don’t want to deal with wild swings. 

2. Keep Practicing

Perfection is forged in practice, and even the experts will tell you they ran through memory exercises for some time before hitting Vegas Casinos.

Know the basic rules of the game, how to react instinctively to the cards on the table, and how to react if you’re stuck.

3. Pick your Table Well

Getting to the right table is another tip that can earn you money. There are different ways to play blackjack. How many decks are used? Does the casino pay 3:2? 5:2? Find a table with rules you understand.

4. Adopt a Consistent Betting Pattern

The typical card counting drill spells increasing your bets when the deck is in your favor. With everyone aware of this technique, it’s become an open secret to the casinos, and they could reshuffle the cards to your disappointment.

Go solo and avoid teaming up; it is way easier to win alone than as a group. Moreover, add a little subtlety to your betting patterns.

5. Play in Small Crowds

To avoid distractions, play when the crowd is small. This enables you to focus better and be more productive. Casinos are loud, wild environments. You can be thrown off your game if you’re not used to the spectacle.


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