5 Vegas Poker Rooms Now Open for Business

Vegas poker died when the Strip went dark. Now that casinos are resuming operations, a few poker rooms have reopened. You’ll need to wear a mask and all of the games will be short-handed, but you can scratch your gambling itch. Ready to play a round of cards? Here s where you need to go.

1. Bellagio

High-limit players flock to Bellagio s plush poker room. If you want to see a famous face at the card table, this where you need to be. Bellagio is the sole Vegas poker room that s installed plexiglass at the table to protect players. 

Hours: 24 hours a day 

Players per table: 6

2. The Orleans

Locals love the Orleans off-Strip poker room. It s constantly busy, with a crowded mixture of locals and tourists vying for a seat at the table. Pre COVID-19, the room was famous for its tournaments.

Hours: 8am to 4am

Players per table: 5 

3. The Venetian


If you know anything about the Las Vegas poker scene, you know that the Venetian sets the standard. Spacious, luxurious, and always busy, the Venetian poker room attracts players from around the world. 

Hours: 9am to 1am

Players per table: 5

4. Ceasars Palace


Caesars Palace s glitzy poker room is a prime spot for weekend warriors. The hours are very limited but the massive hotel attached to the property provides a steady flow of players. 

Hours: 10am to 4am Thursday – Sunday 

Players per table: 5

5. Golden Nugget

Golden Nugget hosts Downtown Vegas biggest poker games. Players can put as much money as they want on the table- there s no cap!

Hours: 24 hours a day

Players per table: 5 


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