With Live Poker Tournaments more popular today than ever before, more and more people are interested in knowing how to come out victorious.
No matter what else you bring to the table, you ll need preparation, ambition, imagination, and perseverance if you want to come out on top. And while there is no infallible method to guarantee a win in a live poker tournament, there are some things that you can do to improve your odds significantly.
So, whether you are a noob or a veteran, you’ll find some useful tips below.

Research and learn as much as possible, including the basic rules of the game, the lingo, and most-used terms, as well as hand rankings and raise sizes. This tip is more for beginners than more experienced players, but it never hurts to apply it, regardless of skill level.
Practice Mindfulness

If you want to increase your chances of winning a live tournament, you ll want to practice what Buddhists call mindfulness. Mindfulness refers to a state of consciousness that has you present and fully engaged in whatever you do. You must practice mindfulness at all times, even when you re not actively in hand. This allows you to stay focused and pick up as much information as you can about your opponents.
Don t Be Intimidated

Live tournaments can get massive; after all, poker has never been as popular as it is these days, and this means that you ll likely face off against a wide range of opponents who may or may not be amicable. Be prepared to face players who will actively seek to bully you and berate you on every decision you make. Expect that and prepare for it, and remember that just because a dog barks loudly doesn t mean that the bite is bad.
Don t Tilt

When you go on “tilt,” you’re off-kilter, no longer seeing clearly. Avoiding tilt will net you more wins over time. Tilt begets frustration, and frustration causes confusion. Confusion leads to bad decisions- and bad decisions are punished harshly in live poker tournaments. Learn to cope with variance and mistakes, because tilting is a surefire way to lose.
Have Fun

As always, with everything in life, the best results occur when you are having fun. Play to win, but never forget that poker is a game, and games are played for enjoyment.