1. Book Flight and Hotel Packages
More often than not, flights and accommodations are the most expensive things on a travel itinerary. However, sites like Southwest Vacations, Orbitz, and Expedia frequently offer incredible deals, with flight and hotel packages at huge discounts. Still, make sure to compare prices separately too.
2. Take Advantage of Cheap Flights
When traveling to Las Vegas, flights during the weekdays are significantly cheaper. Additionally, there are a lot of cheap flights being offered during the months of July, August, and mid-December.
If you re looking to save more money, book red-eye flights or those that take-off either very early or very late. It may be inconvenient but the amount you ll save will most probably mean a few extra cocktails in Sin City.
3. Book Cheaper Hotels
You may be tempted to stay a few nights in one of the world-renowned hotels on the Las Vegas Strip, but keep in mind that these are notoriously exorbitantly priced and certainly not budget-friendly. However, hotels that aren t on the Strip have much more affordable rates.
Those who are under strict budgets can also opt for hotels located Downtown or on Fremont Street. Even there, access to the Strip isn t difficult at all, thanks to ride-share services and buses that run every 30 minutes. Keep in mind that everything in Vegas is much cheaper downtown food, drinks, and gambling.
4. Use Discounts
The majority of hotels and tourist attractions in Las Vegas offer discounts to students, teachers, first responders, locals, veterans, and active-duty members of the military. Remember to always bring your ID with you to avail yourself of these steep discounts!
5. Buy Drinks at Grocery Stores
If you d rather not blow your entire budget ordering cocktails and alcoholic beverages at one of Las Vegas many bars, then supermarkets and convenience stores near the Strip are your best bet. Alcohol is sold by the case, bottle, or can at CVS, Walgreens, and more.
6. Get to the Clubs Early
Nightclubs often increase their cover charges and bottle service minimums as the night progresses. By showing up to the club early, you ll get to avoid these exorbitant prices, as well as the long lines. Now, this doesn t mean that you have to be there the minute you finish dinner! Rather, showing up at around 10 p.m. would be the optimum time.
7. Dine at Food Courts
It may not sound like the most glamorous thing ever, but there s no denying that food court prices are significantly lower than your average, run-of-the-mill restaurant. They also have a ton more options, which makes them a great option for frugal tourists. Popular food courts on the Strip include the Food Court at the Fashion Show Mall and the Food Court at the Venetian.
8. Look For Online Discounts
Sites like Groupon and Travelzoo offer a ton of discounts for food and drinks, so be sure to check on there before heading out to dinner.
9. Use the Las Vegas Explorer Pass
This nifty and budget-friendly pass allows users to choose either three, five, or seven of the 31 attractions they have available for a single, extremely low price. The passes are also good for 30 days after the first day of use, allowing you to make the most out of your Las Vegas trip.
10. Visit Freemont Street for Free Entertainment
There are a whole slew of concerts and special events happening daily on Freemont Street and all of them are free! To add to that, there are also a ton of street performers roaming the area, so free entertainment is definitely a guarantee. Don t forget to tip if you enjoyed the show, though!