Gaming / Gambling

Best Poker Rooms in Vegas (2024)

Las Vegas is a destination that provides a world-class poker experience. Despite a large number of Vegas poker rooms, the following spots stand out. 

Here are the five best poker rooms in Vegas.

1. South Point Hotel Casino

at South Point Hotel Casino

South Point has 30 tables and is one of the locals’ most popular poker rooms. It gets full almost every night, with three or four tournaments daily. You can get a buy-in to the event for $60 once a week. There are also seasonal freerolls with six-figure guarantees for players who accumulate 100 hours of play in three months. You can also enjoy a range of hand bonuses, bad-beat jackpots, and splash pots during NFL games.

Another plus? The South Point has affordable food options.

2. Venetian

The Venetian is one of the most beautiful resorts on the Strip and offers so much for cash and tournament poker players. Its lowest no-limit game is $1/$3 with a $300 buy-in. This room has 32 tables, but they may regularly expand for special tournaments such as the Venetian Deepstack and the occasional MSPT series.

3. Red Rock Casino

The Red Rock Casino Poker Room

If you need to enjoy poker away from the Strip, try Red Rock, just 20 minutes from Las Vegas Blvd. Its 20 tables are frequently filled by locals rather than tourists, giving you room to get acquainted with opponents and improve your game. Players can accumulate station casino rewards and use their comps for things like restaurants and the movie theater. The environment and gameplay are great here.

4. Bellagio

A long legacy of high-stakes poker makes Bellagio a must-visit venue for poker globally. It boasts 37 tables dedicated to cash gameplay. Due to having the highest stakes poker games, it attracts some of the best players, high rollers, and famous players. Note that you may have to wait a while on the waitlist before playing poker at Bellagio’s tables. You can try to lessen the wait by calling and putting your name on the list. 

5. Wynn

at the Wynn Poker Room

Wynn has a 28-table poker room whose capacity can be stretched significantly during major tournaments. Many players flock to the poker room to participate in Wynn’s regular tournaments with significant wins and buy-ins. Its inaugural event had a $1.46 million payday for the winner. Wynn is a No-Limit Hold’em player’s paradise with plenty of offers and games with different buy-ins and rewards. 
