If you’ve ever heard of the term “dry heat,” you know that there are many myths about the desert. One of the prevailing myths is that nothing can grow here.
Growing food in the desert
According to the University of Nevada, Reno Extension, our desert climate is ideal for:
- tomatoes
- eggplants
- okra
- fig trees
- pomegranates
- many other edible fruits and vegetables.
These vegetables thrive in our summer heat, much like Vegas locals.
In fact, one outspoken local has created such an incredible garden that he’s started a #growingyourgreens movement.

Growing Your Greens
John Kohler established Growing Your Greens approximately 16 years ago and has produced video content ever since.
He’s a local influencer and advocate for growing your own food, and has almost 1 million subscribers, myself included.
John’s passion for growing greens began after a near-death experience with spinal meningitis in the 90s.
He explains: “I had a life-threatening illness that the doctors had no cure for. And so, I’m only here, I could say, due to higher powers. I was given a second chance at life, and … one of the things I found in my research was that the way I was living… coupled with my genes… caused a complement immune deficiency, which is a chronically weak immune system.”
The doctors impressed upon John that he could potentially get another disease and next time would not survive.
This was enough to turn John’s attention from his degree in marketing to that of a healthier lifestyle.

A short viewing of his YouTube videos illustrates his vast knowledge. His content discusses how to grow food to get maximum health benefits, build your soil, and minimize water waste. He also discusses the most nutrient-dense plants and shows you step-by-step how to grow successfully in our hot climate.
John covers how many vegetables can grow in whatever space you have. His own garden often produces enough to feed a family of four during the growing season and almost for free. It’s not unusual to see his vegetables reach 6 feet plus in height. Seriously, it’s incredible!

Healthy Living
“So, I really don’t like labels,” John notes when I ask if he’s a vegan. “I like to say that I eat a whole food plant-based diet that is as locally sourced as possible… and minimally processed as possible.”
“And it’s not about making a big, long jump and doing those big, huge thing(s). It’s just like, …if you could just do a little bit today, it’s going to grow and be a lot bigger tomorrow. Same thing with (your) health, right?”
Like many Las Vegas gardeners, I’ve found John’s teachings informative. In his videos, John expertly embraces the intense heat, often sweating under the midday sun.
Whether you think you’re a gardener or not, John’s videos make you feel like you can grow anything and immediately get food to your table.
The Times They Are A-Changin’, economy, climate change, and health are no exception, and even the smallest plot of land can yield fresh, healthy fruit for you and your loved ones.
If John has his way it will happen sooner than later.
Keep on growing!
Please subscribe to John’s YouTube channel , and make sure to follow him on IG @growingyourgreens, or find more information @ campsite.bio/gyg