
Shaping Future Rock Stars: RAPA’s Mission in Vegas

The true highlight of my time in High School band was when we got to play “contemporary” music, “We Got the Beat” by The Go-Go’s (1981) or “The Final Countdown” by Europe (1986). Never mind the fact that this was in 1992.

Public schools do not typically embrace modern music these days. Sure, you can find some schools that still have a band or orchestra program, or if they are really crazy, maybe a jazz band. Those, while good, are not teeing your child up for success in the modern music industry. This is why Vegas is fortunate to have the best music conservatory program you’ve probably never heard of.

The Rock Academy of Performing Arts (RAPA) is the music conservatory program for Delta Academy, and what I wish we had when I was in school.

RAPA students on stage
CRO Dr. Jay Caballero on stage with RAPA students.

RAPA is NOT an after-school program; it is NOT a half-ass attempt at soothing your creative child who shows an amazing talent for music. It’s a serious program designed for students who seek music careers.

Within the Delta Academy framework, RAPA’s program combines reading, writing, and arithmetic with music theory, guitar lessons, music composition, vocal training, songwriting, music production, music history and music theory, and, of course, practice time. Students learn the fundamentals of how to work and thrive in the music industry. This intensive training happens while allowing the student to meet their required courses on-site with a teacher or at home.

Managers and record companies have screwed over many talented artists. Do a quick Google search; this happened to TLC, Tom Petty, and probably the worst-case Billy Joel, among many others. It is doubtful the younger generations are faring much better. The Music Business is, after all, a Business.

RAPA wants to prepare students for a different future.

RAPA students on stage
RAPA students perform on stage in front of judges and audience members in one of RAPA’s many events.

Chief Rock Officer (CRO) Dr. Jay Caballero speaks of contemporary pop, punk, rap, metal, and rock music. “We’re a program within a school, an actual high school. Kids come here every day and learn contemporary music. So, not a band or orchestra program, not a choir program. We’re contemporary, under the rock umbrella. That’s what I want people to know.” Jay explains.

RAPA is probably the closest thing anyone can get to a rock n roll high school, minus The Ramones. Ahh, to have been so blessed in my younger days. It is truly one of a kind that can only be born in Vegas.

The program has not gone without notice in the music community. RAPA receives support from Ryan Patrick, co-founder of Otherwise, the Las Vegas Raiders, and Mark Shunock of Marshun Entertainment. Additionally, Chris Kael from Five Finger Death Punch and Stoney Curtis from Counts 77 will speak to students at RAPA soon.

RAPA has also received love from Cirque du Soleil, Music Alliance, Jessenia Paz from Empire Records, and the Guitar Center and Family Music Store.

With RAPA, our city is genuinely THE pioneer of contemporary music education. Without dating myself too much, can we birth the next EVH? I hope to hell we can!

For more information, please visit or email the CRO himself at

RAPA students on stage
Students wait to hear judges’ results during a Battle of the Bands performance.


  • MomentofMetal

    Mel O is a Certified Financial Planner, author of Finances the Other "F" Word-Another "F" Word to Love, host of the podcast under the same name. Radio host of the "Money & Metal" radio show on Stationhead. A Gen Xer & Rocker Chick.

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Mel O is a Certified Financial Planner, author of Finances the Other "F" Word-Another "F" Word to Love, host of the podcast under the same name. Radio host of the "Money & Metal" radio show on Stationhead. A Gen Xer &…