Dopameme Rush: Area15’s Newest Experience Is Pure Pleasure

Main Takeaways

Looking for your next dopamine hit? Skip the slot machines and head to Area15‘s newest attraction, where getting your fix is actually encouraged. The Dopeameme Institute for Pleasure Research (D.I.P.R.) promises to deliver scientifically measured doses of joy – and surprisingly, they’re not kidding.

image by StaciLayne

This latest addition to Vegas’s immersive entertainment district comes from Superplastic, the character-driven brand known for its viral animated universe and collaborations with heavy hitters like Gucci and Fortnite. But don’t let the fancy pedigree fool you – this experience is pure, unfiltered fun with a healthy dose of irreverent humor.

Upon arrival, we’re greeted by lab-coated “researchers” who have us sign a waiver and snap our photo for “scientific documentation.” In the reception area, we meet our host – an evil rabbit named Guggimon, a fashion-obsessed character with sharp teeth and a concerning fascination with axes. Through a TV screen, this twisted bunny explains that we’re about to become test subjects in a series of pleasure-inducing experiments. What could possibly go wrong?

image by StaciLayne

The 30-minute journey takes us through a series of mind-bending chambers, each designed to trigger those sweet, sweet dopamine hits. In “Heavy Pedal,” we find ourselves in a twisted laundromat where we must pedal stationary bikes to power up screens and save some adorable (if slightly disturbing) characters called “Lil’ Helpers.” It’s like SoulCycle meets Alice in Wonderland, yet somehow, it works.

Things get particularly interesting in the “Not Guilty Pleasures” room, where we’re forced to confront our own honesty in a beauty salon-meets-correctional-facility setting. Answer truthfully, or the Lil’ Helper gets it – a clever nod to the infamous Milgram experiment, but with significantly fewer ethical concerns and more laughs.

image by StaciLayne

For those ready to embrace their inner exhibitionist, the “Private Dancer” isolation chamber awaits. Here, you’re encouraged to bust out your best moves in what appears to be a private bathroom stall. Plot twist: it’s not as private as you think, and your dancing avatar might just become the star of the show on the bathroom mirror outside. Hope you practiced those TikTok dances!

Finally, power-hungry visitors can take turns in the Control Room, where they can mess with other guests by adjusting the music, lights, and sound effects in previous rooms. It’s delightfully devious and perfectly suited to Vegas’ particular brand of controlled chaos.

image by StaciLayne

The whole experience wraps up with a personalized digital profile and a “prescription” for pleasure that can be filled at the adjoining Dopeameme Shop. The retail space, designed to look like a sketchy city alleyway (in the best possible way), offers exclusive merchandise, including a “Hangover Kit” that might come in handy after a typical Sin City night.

image by StaciLayne

While Las Vegas is no stranger to immersive experiences, Dopeameme manages to carve out its own unique niche. It’s weird, wacky, and exactly the kind of controlled chaos we’ve come to expect from Area15. Whether you’re a local looking for something new or a tourist seeking refuge from the Strip’s usual suspects, this laboratory of laughs delivers a solid hit of happiness – no prescription needed.

The Details


  • StaciLayne

    Author of the "Rock & Roll Nightmares" book series, director of the documentary film, "The Ventures: Stars on Guitars."

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